
Wednesday, March 9, 2022




Idioms about TIME in English

Time to hit the road        Time to depart

Around the clock              At all times

A devil of a time               A difficult or frustrating time

For the time being           At the present moment; for now

Bad time              An inconvenient moment or an unfortunate experience

Kill time                To do something while waiting

As time goes by                As time passes or moves

Lose track of time            To be unaware of what time it is

Caught in a time wrap    Unchanged in an antiquated or obsolete way

Have a time of it               To experience particular trouble or difficulty




Idioms about FRUITS in English

As red as a cherry            Very red

To go bananas   To go crazy

The apple of someone’s eye      At the present moment; for now

Second banana                 A person in a subservient position

The cherry on the cake The final thing that makes something perfect

A bite at the cherry         An opportunity to achieve something

A plum job          An easy, pleasant job that also pays well

Go pear-shaped               To fail; to go wrong

Cool as a cucumber         Calm even in difficult or frustrating situations




Idioms about ANIMALS in English

Cat nap                 A short sleep

Flew the coop   Escape, left

Get someone’s goat       To irritate someone deeply

Fat cat   A highly placed, well-paid executive

Like a fish out ot water To be uncomfortable in a particular situation

Hold your horses              Wait and be patient

Cash cow             A good way to make money

Get the lion’s share        Get the greatest percentage

Loaded for bear                Prepared for problems, well prepared for a challenge




People Idioms and Meanings in English


Daredevil: someone who takes unnecessary risks


Cheapskate: someone who hates to spend money


Joined at the hip: to be exceptionally close to someone


Elbow grease: hard physical effort


Oddball: a weirdo or a strange person


Down-To-Earth: sensible and realistic


Go-Getter: a person who is active, energetic, and has the initiative to pursue the things they want.


Break a leg: good luck


Cutting corners: Doing something poorly in order to save time or money


Hang in there: Don’t give up


Pull yourself together: Calm down


So far so good: Things are going well so far


A busybody: always wants to know about other people’s private lives


Oddball: a weirdo or a strange person


Down-To-Earth: sensible and realistic


Forty winks: a short nap


Barrel of laugh: someone who is very funny


Old as the hills: some who is very old



Idioms About Colors


Some of the idioms about colors and examples;


    Pink tickling; means that very pleased with the situation.


Example: My uncle was tickled pink that you called on her birthday!


    White lie; is a small lie that is said politely or avoiding hurting one’s feelings.


Example: I knew it would be sad, so I couldn’t say I didn’t like your clothes, and I lied a white lie.


Example: He had forgotten his mother’s birthday, but he lied a white lie not to upset him.


    With flying colors: with great or total success.

    Out of the blue; means that randomly, without warning, immediately.


Example: Out of the blue my cousin came to visit and he came with bad news. I was caught unprepared.


    Green with envy; means that  to be very jealous, envious.


Example: She really envies me because I can get shopping as much as her want.


    Gray area; is an unclear, undefined something.


Example: Allowing mobile phones at work is now a gray area, available and not available.


    Caught red-handed; means that to catch someone in the act of doing something.

    Green thumb; means that to be skilled at gardening.


Example: Gardener grows all kinds of flowers, he has a green thumb.


Example: Gardener collecting dead plants, he has a green thumb.


    Black sheep; means that to be the outcast, odd one out, unlike the others.

    Blue once a month; means that it is very rarely seen.

    Take the red eye; means that a late night flight that arrives early in the morning.




Red tape; Official or bureaucratic tasks


To be yellow; To be cowardly


To see red; To be very angry


Black out; Faint


Black and blue; Describe something that is badly bruised


Golden opportunity; The perfect chance


Have the blues; Be sad or depressed


Black sheep; A person who is a disgrace to a family or group



Idioms About Human Body


Blood Is Thicker Than Water


Family relationships take precedence over others.


Example: No matter how much I’ve fought with my brother, but blood is thicker than water.




Brain Drain


Departure of talented, well-educated individuals from a place.


Example: Venezuela is experiencing a brain drain right now, with many professionals leaving for other countries because of bad conditions at home.






Something that not requires thought.


Example: If the salary offered to me is more than my current salary, the decision is a no-brainer.




On the Blink


Not working, intermittently not working.


Example: We have work piling up, the computer’s on the blink.




Bend over Backwards


You make every effort to achieve something, especially you should to be fair or helpful.


Example: I’ve bent over backwards to please you. But it never seems to be good enough.




A Hair’s Breadth


A very small distance or space.


Example: He was going to set a more successful a hair’s breadth than his predecessors, unfortunately he got tired in the last kilometer of the race.




Be a Bundle of Nerves


Someone who is extremely nervous.


Example: Since the robbery, I’ve been a bundle of nerves.


Example: I was a bundle of nerves before my exam, but I calmed down once we got the questions and started to work.



Idioms About Weather


A storm of protest; means that a situation in which people suddenly protest about or criticize something, showing very strong feelings.


    The government plan to raise the taxes provoked a storm of protest.




To be under a cloud (of suspicion); means that to be suspected of doing something illegal or wrong.


    I left the office under a cloud of suspicion.

    The only cloud on the horizon was the final exam in July.




A sunny smile; means that a happy and friendly smile.


    The air hostess greeted the passengers with a sunny smile.




A storm in a teacup; means that a lot of fuss about something unimportant.


    That’s a storm in a teacup, stop fussing about it, you can do it.





To flood the market; means that to produce and a sell a large number of one type of thing, so that its price goes down.


    They have the intention to flood the market with their new mobile phones.




To be flooded with something; means that to receive so many letters or inquiries that you cannot deal with all of them.


    We’ve been flooded with letters, but we will try to answer them all.



Idioms About Health


    Clean bill of health: Report showing that a person is healthy.


If someone has a clean bill of health, they apply to many profession




    Fit as a fiddle: Excellent state of health.


My grandmother’s old, but she’s as fit as a fiddle.


If you a few days of rest and medication, you’ll be as fit as a fiddle.




    In the pink of health: In very good health.


There is no guarantee that he will always spend his life that way even if someone is in the pink of health.


    Under the weather: means that slowly unwell or in low spirits.


I’m sorry I can’t make it. I’m feeling a bit under the weather today.




    Look or feel like death warmed up: To look or feel very ill and tired.


If someone looks or feels like ill or tired, they look death warmed up.


Oh dear! You look like death warmed up, I think doctor will prescribe you a lot of medicine.


You shouldn’t be working all night when you’re so ill, you looks like death warmed up.




    Frog in one’s throat: Difficulty in speaking because of a cough or sore throat.


If someone has a frog in his throat, they will have difficulty speaking because of a sore throat and may feel like a cough, make it difficult to talk to, and should see a doctor.




    Go under the knife: To have a surgery; it could also mean cosmetic surgery.


My mum’s not worried about the operation. She’s been under the knife several times.


Stacy went under the knife last week.




    On one’s last legs: To be very tired, ill or near to death.


If someone is in their last legs, they are in a weak state and cannot live longer and die soon.


    As right as rain: To be in excellent health.



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