
Monday, December 11, 2017

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A list of Collocations from A to Z - English Club

- READ MORE - A list of Collocations from A to Z - English Club

Common Collocations


Common Collocations

From: EnglishClub.com

On this page you can find a few short lists of common collocations to give you more of an idea about them. Many good learner's dictionaries show collocations associated with specific words. There are also dictionaries of collocations, though these are more difficult to find.

Verb collocations

have a bath
have a drink
have a good time
have a haircut
have a holiday
have a problem
have a relationship
have a rest
have lunch
have sympathy
do business
do nothing
do someone a favour
do the cooking
do the housework
do the shopping
do the washing up
do your best
do your hair
do your homework
make a difference
make a mess
make a mistake
make a noise
make anlish effort
make furniture
make money
make progress
make room
make trouble
take a break
take a chance
take a look
take a rest
take a seat
take a taxi
take an exam
take notes
take someone's place
take someone's temperature
break a habit
break a leg
break a promise
break a record
break a window
break someone's heart
break the ice
break the law
break the news to someone
break the rules
catch a ball
catch a bus
catch a chill
catch a cold
catch a thief
catch fire
catch sight of
catch someone's attention
catch someone's eye
catch the flu
pay a fine
pay attention
pay by credit card
pay cash
pay interest
pay someone a compliment
pay someone a visit
pay the bill
pay the price
pay your respects
save electricity
save energy
save money
save one's strength
save someone a seat
save someone's life
save something to a disk
save space
save time
save yourself the trouble
keep a diary
keep a promise
keep a secret
keep an appointment
keep calm
keep control
keep in touch
keep quiet
keep someone's place
keep the change
come close
come complete with
come direct
come early
come first
come into view
come last
come late
come on time
come prepared
come right back
come second
come to a compromise
come to a decision
come to an agreement
come to an end
come to a standstill
come to terms with
come to a total of
come under attack
go abroad
go astray
go bad
go bald
go bankrupt
go blind
go crazy
go dark
go deaf
go fishing
go mad
go missing
go on foot
go online
go out of business
go overseas
go quiet
go sailing
go to war
go yellow
get a job
get a shock
get angry
get divorced
get drunk
get frightened
get home
get lost
get married
get nowhere
get permission
get pregnant
get ready
get started
get the impression
get the message
get the sack
get upset
get wet
get worried

Miscellaneous collocations

TimeBusiness EnglishClassifiers
bang on time
dead on time
early 12th century
free time
from dawn till dusk
great deal of time
late 20th century
make time for
next few days
past few weeks
right on time
run out of time
save time
spare time
spend some time
take your time
tell someone the time
time goes by
time passes
waste time
annual turnover
bear in mind
break off negotiations
cease trading
chair a meeting
close a deal
close a meeting
come to the point
dismiss an offer
draw a conclusion
draw your attention to
launch a new product
lay off staff
go bankrupt
go into partnership
make a loss
make a profit
market forces
sales figures
take on staff
a ball of string

a bar of chocolate

a bottle of water

a bunch of carrots

a cube of sugar

a pack of cards

a pad of paper
READ MORE - Common Collocations

A list of collocations



A collocation is a combination of words that are commonly used together; the simplest way of describing collocations is to say that they ‘just sound right’ to native English speakers. Other combinations that may mean the same thing would seem ‘ unnatural’. Collocations include noun phrases like ‘ stiff wind’ and‘weapons of mass destruction’, phrasal verbs such as‘to get together’ and other stock phrases such as‘the rich and famous’
It is important to learn collocations, because they are important for the naturalisation of one’s speech. Besides, they broaden one’s scope for expression.
Here is a list of collocations to help you get started:
Collocations starting with the verb ‘do’
Do me a favour
Do the cooking
Do the housework
Do the shopping
Do the washing up
Do your best
Do your hair
Collocations with the verb ‘have’
Have a good time
Have a bath
Have a drink
Have a haircut
Have a holiday
Have a problem
Have a relationship
Have lunch
Have sympathy
Collocations with the verb ‘break’
Break the law
Break a leg
Break a promise
Break a record
Break someone's heart
Break the ice
Break the news to someone
Break the rules
Collocations with the verb ‘take’
Take a break
Take a chance
Take a look
Take a rest
Take a seat
Take a taxi
Take an exam
Take notes
Take someone's place
Collocations with the verb ‘make’
Make a difference
Make a mess
Make a mistake
Make a noise
Make an effort
Make money
Make progress
Make room
Make trouble
Collocations with the verb ‘catch’
Catch the bus
Catch a ball
Catch a cold
Catch a thief
Catch fire
Catch sight of
Catch someone's attention
Catch someone's eye
Catch the flu
Collocations with the verb ‘pay’
Pay respect
Pay a fine
Pay attention
Pay by credit card
Pay cash
Pay interest
Pay someone a visit
Pay the bill
Pay the price
Collocations with the verb ‘keep’
Keep the change
Keep a promise
Keep a secret
Keep an appointment
Keep calm
Keep in touch
Keep quiet
Keep someone's place
Collocations with the verb ‘save’
Save yourself the trouble
Save electricity
Save energy
Save money
Save someone a seat
Save someone's life
Save something to a disk
Save time
Collocations with the verb ‘go’
Go bald
Go abroad
Go astray
Go bad
Go bankrupt
Go blind
Go crazy
Go fishing
Go mad
Go missing
Go online
Go out of business
Go overseas
Go quiet
Go sailing
Go to war
Collocations with the verb ‘come’
Come under attack
Come close
Come direct
Come early
Come first
Come into view
Come last
Come late
Come on time
Come prepared
Come right back
Come to a decision
Come to an agreement
Come to an end
Come to a standstill
Come to terms with
Come to a total of
Collocations with the verb ‘get’
Get the sack
Get a life
Get a job
Get a shock
Get angry
Get divorced
Get drunk
Get frightened
Get home
Get lost
Get married
Get permission
Get ready
Get started
Get the impression
Get upset
Get wet
Get worried
Collocations related to time
Bang on time
Dead on time
Free time
From dawn till dusk
Great deal of time
Early/late 15th century
Make time for
Next few days
Past few weeks
Right on time
Run out of time
Time goes by
Time passes
Waste time
Collocations related to business English
Annual turnover
Keep in mind
Break off negotiations
Close a deal
Close a meeting
Come to the point
Dismiss an offer
Draw a conclusion
Draw your attention to
Launch a new product
Go bankrupt
Go into partnership
Make a profit/loss

READ MORE - A list of collocations

Collocations and set phrases

- READ MORE - Collocations and set phrases

Learn English Collocations with House & Home

READ MORE - Learn English Collocations with House & Home

50+ Common English Collocations with FOOD

READ MORE - 50+ Common English Collocations with FOOD

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Một cử chỉ tử tế - Kindness

Một cử chỉ tử tế

Một người đàn ông thường mua cam của một bà lão.
Sau khi cân cam, trả tiền và bỏ cam vào túi xách, ông luôn lấy một trái từ trong túi xách của mình, bóc vỏ, bỏ một múi vào miệng, phàn nàn rằng cam chua và đưa trái cam cho người bán.

Bà lão bỏ một múi vào miệng và hỏi lại, "Cam thế này mà chua hả? Ngọt lắm mà", nhưng ngay lúc đó ông đã mang túi xách đi.

Vợ ông, luôn luôn đi với ông, hỏi, "Cam bà ấy bao giờ cũng ngọt, sao anh cứ đóng kịch hoài vậy?"

Ông mỉm cười, “Cam của bà thì ngọt nhưng chính bà không ăn. Đây là cách để giúp bà ấy ăn cam mà không mất tiền của bà. Thế thôi."

Chị bán rau bên cạnh bà lão, nhìn thấy cảnh này hàng ngày. Chị rầy, "Mỗi lần ông ấy làm bộ làm tịch về cam của bà, tôi thấy bà luôn cân thêm một chút cho ông ta. Tại sao?"

Bà lão mỉm cười, "Tôi biết ông ấy làm vậy chỉ để cho tôi ăn một quả cam,  nhưng ông nghĩ rằng tôi không hiểu. Tôi không bao giờ cân thêm. Tình cảm của ông ấy làm nghiêng cái cân một chút đó thôi.’

Niềm vui của cuộc sống nằm trong những cử chỉ nhỏ biểu lộ tình cảm ngọt ngào và sự tôn trọng đối với đồng loại. 


A man often bought oranges from an old lady.

After they were weighed, paid for and put in his bag, he would always pick one from his bag, peel it, put a segment in his mouth, complain it's sour and pass on the orange to the seller.

The old lady would put one segment in her mouth and retort, "why, it's sweet," but by then he was gone with his bag.

His wife, always with him, asked, "the oranges are always sweet, then why this drama every time?"

He smiled, "the old mother sells sweet oranges but never eats them herself. This way I get her to eat one, without losing her money. That's all."

The vegetable seller next to the old lady, saw this everyday.
She chided, "every time this man fusses over your oranges, and I see that you always weigh a few extra for him. Why?"

The old lady smiled, "I know he does this to feed me an orange, only, he thinks I don't understand. I never weigh extra. His love tilts the scale slightly every time."
Life's joys are in these sweet little gestures of love and respect for our fellow beings.

READ MORE - Một cử chỉ tử tế - Kindness

Friday, January 13, 2017



 1. The start of every year takes you a step closer to the attainment of your dreams. Hope this year is the breakthrough one and your dreams finally turn into reality.

2. Dear friend, on this joyous occasion of New Year, cherish our memories and feel the warmth of my wishes. Happy New Year!

3. If the previous year hasn’t given you something to be happy and proud of, don’t fret. If the 31st of December signifies the end of a year, the 1st of January signifies the beginning. You have life; you have hope, go out there and accomplish all that you want.

4. To put an end to something old, we have to start a thing new, wishing you with a joy-filled heart though the words here are few. A very happy new year!

5. May you be blessed enough to spend this new year with your parents, friends, loved ones. Be grateful and you will have only good things come your way. Happy 2017!

6. Expand your friend circles this New Year, meet new people, communicate and make new friends. It’s all about rejoicing and welcoming the New Year in grandeur.

7. On the off chance that you can’t fly then run, on the off chance that you can’t run then walk, on the off chance that you can’t walk then slither, yet whatever you do you need to guarantee that you are pushing ahead. That is the manner by which you going to have a fruitful New Year.

8. A fantasy noted down with a date turns into an objective. An objective partitioned into ascertained strides turns into an arrangement. An arrangement bolstered by activities makes your fantasies work out as expected. So this New Year, take your fantasies travel the distance to their goal and make them a reality.

9. In soft glistening night of stars,

hope all your aspirations come true.

May every star present in the sky,

Bring love and mirth to you.

Happy New Year 2017!

10. This new year, view the world with a positive outlook, speak your heart out with confidence, listen to others as well as your inner voice and you will be on the correct road in the correct direction.

11. Hope you scatter joy and happiness wherever you go all 365 days of the upcoming year and get the same in return. Happy New Year to you!

12. Every New Year gives you the perfect chance to start something new and fresh. So do your bit this year and make the world a better place for yourself and others. Happy New Year 2017!

13. We are at the ending point of this year. Just thought I should thank everyone who made me smile. You are of them so here goes… thank you and a very happy new year!

14. Whenever I think of the New Year, I always think about you. Even if we are miles apart, you are always wished well and prayed for. Have a great new year!

15. May God bless you and keep you protected and in good health so that you can witness many more such new years’! But first of all, enjoy this one and stay happy!

16. Even though life presented to you various obstacles and hurdles, be proud that you managed to overcome all and cross the bridge to another new year. May you continue to be this firm and win over all shortcomings!

17. May this New Year brings you a peace filled life, warmth and togetherness in your family and much prosperity! Happy New Year!

18. Celebrate this New Year with lots of fireworks and welcome it with a blast! Enjoy your time with friends and family.

19. Hold the smile, let the tear go, keep the laugh, lose the pain, look for joy, and abandon the fear. Happy New Year dear!

20. Life is an accessible diary filled with empty pages waiting for you. Fill them up with your story as you go.

21. May all the expectations and goals for each day be fulfilled on the day itself!

22. Let this New Year give you all the strength and courage to win over your vices and enhance your virtues.

23. Wish you have a year even better than the best and put smiles on the faces of everyone you come across.

24. Have a year as fragrant as roses, as brilliant as the sun, as colorful as the rainbow and as cheerful as the lark. Happy New Year!

25. Open your eyes, look at the bright day awaiting you, forget all bad dreams and start afresh. Wishing you a wonderful New Year!

26. Beauty, hopes, dreams, trust, faith, celebration, freshness… this is the starting of a New Year!

27. When the New Year arrives, it brings with it new ideas and ways to make our lives good to better and ultimately better to best.

28. My New Year’s resolution is to avoid meeting people who ask me about my New Year resolutions.

29. New are the hopes and aspirations, new are the resolutions, new are the spirits and new is the year! Here’s wishing that you be embraced with a glorious one and meet all your future endeavors with victory and triumph.

30. A promising and a fulfilling new year is waiting just for you. Open your arms and behold it with grace and mirth. Hope you have prosperous one.

31. May this New Year find you on the table surrounded by your cherish family and beloved friends! Have good food, drink well and ring in the New Year in high spirits.

32. Wish that your days be plated in gold, encrusted with diamonds, sparkled with silver dust and spent in good company. Enjoy the New Year as well as the days following.

33. Even if we don’t talk to each other much nowadays, even if we are caught up in our respective lives, I will always wish well for you. Happy New Year!

34. No matter what happens, however far we may be, my prayers and wishes for you will never fall short. Stay happy for his year and all the years to come.

35. Your smile speaks volume to me, your voice sing to me, your eyes convey to me and all that you do is special for me. This is because you are the dearest to me and here’s wishing you a fabulous New Year!

36. Just like hot chocolate is incomplete without marshmallows, I am insufficient without you. So complete me this New Year and fill my life with unlimited happiness.

37. May this New Year equip you with good luck, good health, good fortune and good times! Happy New Year!

38. I hope that the lamps of joy lighten up your year, fill your days with sparkles of joy, and brighten up your life forever and ever.

39. You have overcome yet another year. With every oncoming year, come greater obstacles in life. So be brave and I hope you overcome all the struggles that life presents you with. Stay strong!

40. Counting my blessing and greeting you more. I wish you enjoy this New Year and it doesn’t make you bore. As we take a step further in life, hope love and happiness is all that God pours! May you have a wonderful new year!

41. May your New Year be spent in pomp and splendor and the upcoming year in love and peace! Happy New Year!

42. I wish this New Year provides you enough reasons to be happy and you have uncountable days filled with joy and mirth!

43. Time is like a water body that is always potent with current, no water passes beneath one’s feet two times, just like the sea, moments don’t pass you by again, so cherish every moment that life introduces to you and have a happiest New Year.

44. Say hello to a brand new year and a new chance to set everything right!

45. People look forward to a new year to start afresh and turn over a new leaf. All the best for that and have a wonderful year ahead!

46. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, hurrah! Its New Year already! Enjoy loads and have a great time ahead.

47. I came across love, health, peace and joy. They wanted a permanent home. I offered them your address. Hope they reach your doorstep on this New Year.

48. I wish you to have magical Mondays, terrific Tuesdays, warm Wednesdays, thrilling Thursdays, fun-filled Fridays, sweetest Saturdays and special Sundays this year. Experience a great new year. Much love!



49. The New Year replenishes all the joys in your life and helps to keep your spirit glowing and undaunted. Wishing you a fabulous new year!

50. Good Morning! It’s time to hop out of your bed and get your hands on all the opportunities waiting for you. Get set go!

51. The future holds wonderful surprises for you. Greet them with open arms and let them work wonders for you!

52. Wishing you and your family good health, happiness, success and prosperity in the coming year! Have a great start to a great year!

53. The season for champagne, cake and celebrations is here again! Enjoy to your fullest!

54. May this New Year add a burst of colors and fragrance into your life just like a new blooming flower!

55. Welcome the New Year with new hopes and do have a wonderful year ahead.

56. Learn from your mistakes in the past so that you can avoid them in the New Year. Happy New Year!

57. A new year is equal to a blank canvas, and the paint brush is in none other than your own hands. Paint away and create a beautiful picture for yourself. Happy New Year!

58. May all the goals that you have set for yourself in the near future attain success in the upcoming year itself!

59. Nights will be dark but days will be light, wish your life to be always bright — Happy New Year.

60. Let us look back at the past year with the warmest of memories. Happy New Year!

61. May you reach the pinnacle of success and the zenith of glory — Happy New Year!

62. May you dedicate the New Year to humanity and the betterment of the world at large.

63. One more year loaded with sweet recollections and cheerful times has passed. You have made my year exceptionally uncommon, and I wish this continues forever. With you around, each minute is a unique event for me. I wish you to have a year as incredible as you are.

64. Just like a new bloom spreads fragrance around, let the New Year also fill you with happiness!

65. Let the old year end and the New Year begin with the warmest of aspirations. Happy New Year!

66. Set it in your heart that each day of the New Year would keep getting better and better for you.

67. This New Year may we continue to share the genuine fellowship that adds happiness and warmth to even the most mundane days.

68. This New Year I wish you to have courage to fight for your dreams and also blessings of Almighty to help you emerge winner as you strive.

69. May the New Year bring fresh bout of excellence to your life.

70. Life is a progression of normal and unconstrained changes. This New Year so not try not to oppose them; for that just causes distress. Accept the reality. Let things stream actually forward in whatever way they like

71. May your mirror reflection charm you, may what others see in you enchant them, may somebody cherish you enough to forget your shortcomings, may be oblivious to your flaws and flaunt your virtues.

72. Keep in mind the past so as to gain from it pearls of wisdom as you make a fresh new beginning this New Year.

73. May your New Year be filled with adoration, happiness, warmth, and cheer; and may you pass on these to those around you too.

74. Time is similar to a streaming waterway, no water goes underneath your feet twice, much like the stream, minutes never pass you by again, so love each minute that life gives you.

75. This New Year may you rediscover yourself and emerge as a more confident and contented soul.

76. May you revel in the simple pleasures of life for that would give you the strength to hold the fort when you come across a bumpy ride.

77. This New Year may you be interested in changes, for that is the only way your future ahead would unfold various astonishments for you.

78. On this New Year I wish that you have a superb January, a dazzling February, a Peaceful March, an anxiety free April, a sensational May, and Joy that keeps going from June to November, and then round off with an upbeat December.

79. Regardless of what each nightfall steels from our life, may dawn give us another day to weave new hopes and dreams.

80. May the year be brighter than the one gone by; enveloped in goodness and wellbeing; bliss and endowments.

81. May you experience the delight of love, to calm all tears away, genuine companion to stroll close to you, through every single day.

82. May God spread the peace all around and bring prosperity to everyone on this New Year.

83. I wish that the New Year turns out to be a very special one for you filling each day with peak of health, abundance of happiness and sunshine, bountiful luxury and prosperity and Zen like serenity.

84. Here is wishing a very happy and prosperous New Year to a person who brings sunshine to the family always.

85. May your days be as glittery as diamond, may your friends be as good as gold, may your heart stay as green as emerald, and may your soul remain as pure as pearl.

86. New Year begins, let us pray that it will be a year with New Peace, New Happiness and abundance of new friends, God bless you through out the New Ye

87. I wish you Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart. May God give you the happiness and strength to overcome your past year failures.

88. As this year is ending, I wish all the negativity and difficulties also end with this year and 2017 bring success and desired results for you.

89. Although I’m not with you but my wishes will always stay with you on this New Year 2017. Happy New Year !

90. May God spread prosperity and joy in your life on this New Year and fulfill all your dreams.

91. I wish that this New Year the light of faith is bright and steady and may no wind or storm make it flicker or flutter.

92. New year is around the corner. Bring up your drinks and lets rock this new year eve party like never before.

93. Hope you have a great new year 2017. Let the celebration begin. Cheers to 2017. May all your dreams come true.. !

94. May you always look ahead this New Year without being held back by any backlog so that when you finally reach your destination you can look back upon the memories with fondness and at leisure.

95. As the new year renews all the happiness and good tidings, hope the joyful spirit keeps glowing in the your heart forever! Happy New Year!

96. Let us leave behind sadness, regrets and painful moments and have a new start full of joy this new year.

97. It is never to late to start again but yes it is always very early when one gives up. Happy New Year.

98. As the New Year approaches us with hopes anew, here is wishing you and your family a wonderful year ahead. Happy New Year

99. The New Year is the time of unfolding horizons and the realization of dreams, may you rediscover new strength and garner faith with you, and be able to rejoice in the simple pleasures that life has to offer and put a brave front for all the challenges that may come your way. Wishing you a lovely New Year.

100. Wishing you a year that is filled with all the fragrance of roses, illuminated with all the lights of the world and be blessed with all the smiles on the planet. Hope this year will be the year when all your dreams come true. Happy New Year 2017.

101. Even if our talks may lessen, and so might our hellos, our stories might shorten along with our greetings, but remember that no matter what happens, my prayers and wishes for you will never fall short. May this year be the best year by far, and may this year bring with it endless joy and happiness.

102. On this New Year I wish that you have a wonderful January, a lovely February, a Peaceful March, a stress-free April, a fun-filled May, and Joy that lasts from June to November, and finally a happy December. May my wishes come true and may you have a charming and lucky New Year 2017.

103. On this New Year, may you change your direction and not dates, change your commitments and not the Calendar, change your attitude and not the actions, and bring about a change in your faith, your force and your focus and not the fruit. May you live up to the promises you have made and may you create for you and your loved ones the most Happy New Year ever.

104. Time is like a flowing river, no water passes beneath your feet twice, much like the river, moments never pass you by again, so cherish every moment that life gives you and have a wonderful New Year.

105. Embrace simplicity and sincerity and you shall have a wonderful New Year ahead.

106. May you discover all your hidden potentials this New Year and turn them into delightful ventures bringing you fame and finances to rejoice.

107. There are things that are sometimes left undone and there are things that can be left sometimes unsaid. There are things that can be sometimes left unsaid, but wishing someone like you can’t ever be left, so I take this moment to wish you and your loved ones a joyous and wonderful New Year.

108. As the New Year approaches, my wish for you is a proactive spirit – a spirit that does not wait for the right time thinking when an opportunity would come and fall on the lap, but goes out to grab an opportunity, or if needed simply make one for yourself, and prove your worth to the world.

109. In 2017 I wish that may you not only change the date of the calendar, but also your focus, commitments and actions for a more fruitful year ahead.

110. This New Year I wish that God showers you with His choicest Blessings, Fate never takes you for a bumpy ride, Cupid strikes you with his sweetest arrow, Lady Luck bestows upon you health and wealth, your Guardian Angel keeps your mind alert and bright.

111. May you stand up for your own rights this New Year and also the rights of fellow human beings, may nothing stop you from championing a cause that you hold close to your heart.

112. New Year is the perfect time to renew the bond of love. Here is wishing you my love and good luck this day and always. Wishing you the season filled with fun times and good cheers.

113. As the New Year approaches may you find yourself surrounded by friends and family who would be ready to be by your side through thick and thin.

114. May this New Year not be a repetition of old habits – may you reinvent yourself and embark upon a journey full of excitement and adventure.

115. Baag ki har kali khushbu de aapko,suraj ki har kiran nayi subh de aapko,hum to sirf dua ker sakte hai dene wala wo rab lakhon ki khushiyan de aapko.naya saal mubarek ho.

116. Pag pag mein phool khile,khushiyan aapko itni mile,kabhi na ho dukhon ka samna,yahi hai aapke liye nav varsh ki shub kaamna.

117. Sunahri dhoop barsat ke baad,thori si hansi her baat ke baad,mabarek ho aap ko 2017, 2015 ke baad. wish you a happy new year.

118. Rock this coming new year just as how rocking you are. Wish you and your lovely family a very happy new year.

119. May this year brings all the desired success and happiness in your life that you can cherish always. Wish you a successful and prosperous 2017.

120. May this year be the one in which all your wishes come true. The one in which your dreams may turn into reality and all your fears may fade away. Happy new year!

121. May this year bring new happiness, new goals, new achievements and a lot of new inspirations on your life. Wishing you an year fully loaded with happiness.

122. May this new year wash away all the bad deed and memories of the past year and bring a new beginning in your life. Wishing you and your family a happy new year.

123. I hope that your new year would be enjoyable. May the essence of this new year blend a sweetness in your life that stays forever and ever! Wishing you a very happy new year!

124. Sada door raho gam ki perchayi se, saamna na ho kabhi tanhaeyon se, her armaan har khwab pura ho aapka, yehi dua hai dil ki gahraiyon se.Naye saal ki shub kaamna.

125. My only wish for you on this new year is that May God give you the best of health so that you can prosper in every single endeavour of your life!

126. May this upcoming year 2017 brings the sunrise of good fortune for all of you that always stays with you all your whole life through.happy new year


128. A New Day and a brand New Year has come, bringing with it opportunities to shine. Make the most of this year to achieve success in all your endeavors.

129. Happiness comes to those who know how to dispel the gloominess and go beyond the trivialities of life. Rise above petty issues and see the joys that surround you.

130. Let this New Year be the one, where all your dreams come true, so with a joyful heart, put a start to this year anew. Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year 2017.

131. Let’s give a warm welcome to the year that starts a new, cherish each moment that the year shall behold, so let’s come together and celebrate a blissful start to the New Year. Happy New Year.

132. Leave the sorrows, pain, and sadness behind and lets welcome the brand New Year with a smile. Happy New Year.

133. Old is gone and new is here, forget your sorrows and your tear, Wish you a very very very Happy New Year.

134. May the choicest blessings of Almighty God always bring peace and prosperity for you and your family. Happy New Year.

135. New Year promises fresh start and fill every heart with hopes and aspirations. Here is sending my wishes of love and laughter this day and forever.

136. Sun, moon and stars, it’s all so far in the sky. I wish they all comes closer to bless you with all happiness and joy this year a healthy, happy, happy new year 2017.

137. May this new year bring wisdom and honesty among our politicians, May this new year bring happiness and content among people. Happy 2017.

138. May this new year, you get blessed with fifty two weeks and twelve months of happiness and never ending joy.

139. Ignore worries. Avoid Tensions. Believe in you intentions. Have no fears Love your Dears wishing all a very happy New Year! Cheers.

140. Forget the past, remember what it made you, now you are a better person who is ready to make the same mistake one more time. After all, one learns from experiences. Happy New Year.

141. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. May best of times come in your life trusting your heart is worth a try.

142. We all have different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere So, write it on your heart. That every day is the best day of the year. Happy New Year.

143. Two words will open all doors Love and Smile. So Keep Smiling and spread love this year. The coming year will bless you with all happiness I wish Happy New Year.

144. May 31st December be the end of your sorrows and 1st January 2017 be the beginning of your joys. Happy New year.

145. Forget all grudges, accept every mistake, forget all sorrows and spread love for god’s sake. Wish you a really really fulfilling and joyous 2017. Happy New Year.

146. Celebrate this year with new hope, new resolutions and new creativity Try to find the new way to live the life, Wish you happy New Year from the bottom of my heart.

147. As you welcome 2017 let me convey my best wishes to you and tell you that I whispered a prayer for you so that the year turns out to be a fulfilling one for you.

148. Today we do not know what the year 2017 would bring for us. But what we can do is that we can gather together to celebrate the onset and pray for blissful months ahead for each other.

149. I wish that 2017 gives you wonderful moments to cherish and to store in your heart to create wonderful memories that you would like to look back upon every now and then.

150. May the New Year 2017 be as fresh as morning dew, as vibrant as the colors on a butterfly, as serene as Mother Nature and as blissful as the angels from heaven.

151. May 2017 be the year when all your dreams come true, all your hard work reap great results and rewards, all your family and friends keep you company.

152. May the New Year fill up days with all things that are nice and bright – here is wishing you a lovely 2017.

153. May this New Year be a wonderful journey towards your dream destination where all your kisses are returned with passion, your hugs are reciprocated with warmth and you always have your loved ones to hold your hands in times of need.

154. Lets bid a wonderful farewell to the old year and welcome the new one with optimism and hope. Wish you a happy and prosperous new year.

155. Wish this New Year brings to you newly found happiness, prosperity, joy and everything else you want. Have a wonderful Year ahead to spend.

156. May your new year be decorated with sweet memories, wonderful days and memorable nights. Have a great year ahead.




1. May this New Year bring the happiest and the most memorable times that we get to spend as a family to be framed in gold in our minds forever.

2. The year gone by has been bitter sweet for our family – but let this New Year bring only joyful memories and ringing of laughter our way, and let us continue being each other’s pillar of support even in the times to come.

3. May the start of the New Year be as sweet as you are, and may the days keep getting better with every passing month.

4. This New Years may you be able to dump all your worries and get a refill of happiness for a person as nice as you deserves nothing less than that.

5. As people get busy making New Year resolutions, here is a quick wish for our family so that it stays united especially in trying times no matter how many external forces try to alienate us.

6. As the New Year begins, may you be able to forgive all of those who hurt you in the past, erase all the bruises from your heart and fill your heart with happiness and peace.

7. This New Year my wish for you is to be enveloped by a thick padding of love where no sorrow can ever touch you.

8. .I wish that this New Year may the sunshine of happiness always be radiant in your heart and the dove of peace find a nest in your hearth.

9. The New Year gives you a blank canvas to pour in all the colors of your heart, and may the days get filled up with pleasant surprises coming your way.

10. May the future hold many delights for you to uncover this New Year.

11. As the New Year commences, let the family join hands to pray for one another and also promise to be by each other’s side in sickness and in health.